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When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through: A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry
Managing Editor
United States Poet Laureate Joy Harjo gathers the work of more than 160 poets, representing nearly 100 indigenous nations,into the first historically comprehensive Native poetry anthology.
Grist: A Journal of the Literary Arts
Featuring the 2019 ProForma contest winners; work by Jose Hernandez Diaz, Diamond Forde, Anushka Jasraj, Essy Stone, and many more; and interviews with Etgar Keret and Diana Khoi Nguyen. See full table of contents.
Book Reviews: Literary Mapping, Transnational Labor, and Jewish Poetics
From The Bind: a review site devoted to books of poetry by women and nonbinary authors and the Jewish Book Council
A Literary Mapping of Horsepower by Joy Priest (2020), cited by the National Books Critics Cirlce
​Mapping the Valley: A Review of Cait Weiss Orcutt’s VALLEYSPEAK (2018)
“Boy, Girl, Angel, Golem”: Multimodal Transformations in Alicia Jo Rabins’s Fruit Geode (2019)
My reviewer page at the Jewish Book Council

Motel Postcard
Collaboration with Amy Ritter
Screenprint featuring "Line Study of a Motel Clerk." Screenprinted by Amy Ritter at the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown.

Collaboration with Black Rock Press
Broadside featuring "A Conversation With America About Small Businesses" from Line Study of a Motel Clerk. ​ Designed and printed by Black Rock Press, University of Nevada, Reno. Photos by Henry MacDiarmid, 2017. Please contact Black Rock Press at for purchasing inquiries.

Phenomenal Women: Twelve Youngstown Stories
Lit Youngstown volunteer typist
First-person reflections of twelve African American women with deep roots in Youngstown, Ohio. Purchasing information here. Thank you for supporting the vital work of Lit Youngstown!
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